Source code for questionary.form

from typing import Any, Dict, NamedTuple, Sequence

from questionary.constants import DEFAULT_KBI_MESSAGE
from questionary.question import Question

class FormField(NamedTuple):
    key: str
    question: Question

[docs]def form(**kwargs: Question) -> "Form": """Create a form with multiple questions. The parameter name of a question will be the key for the answer in the returned dict. Args: kwargs: Questions to ask in the form. """ return Form(*(FormField(k, q) for k, q in kwargs.items()))
[docs]class Form: """Multi question prompts. Questions are asked one after another. All the answers are returned as a dict with one entry per question. This class should not be invoked directly, instead use :func:`form`. """ form_fields: Sequence[FormField] def __init__(self, *form_fields: FormField) -> None: self.form_fields = form_fields
[docs] def unsafe_ask(self, patch_stdout: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Ask the questions synchronously and return user response. Does not catch keyboard interrupts. Args: patch_stdout: Ensure that the prompt renders correctly if other threads are printing to stdout. Returns: The answers from the form. """ return {f.key: f.question.unsafe_ask(patch_stdout) for f in self.form_fields}
[docs] async def unsafe_ask_async(self, patch_stdout: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Ask the questions using asyncio and return user response. Does not catch keyboard interrupts. Args: patch_stdout: Ensure that the prompt renders correctly if other threads are printing to stdout. Returns: The answers from the form. """ return { f.key: await f.question.unsafe_ask_async(patch_stdout) for f in self.form_fields }
[docs] def ask( self, patch_stdout: bool = False, kbi_msg: str = DEFAULT_KBI_MESSAGE ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Ask the questions synchronously and return user response. Args: patch_stdout: Ensure that the prompt renders correctly if other threads are printing to stdout. kbi_msg: The message to be printed on a keyboard interrupt. Returns: The answers from the form. """ try: return self.unsafe_ask(patch_stdout) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("") print(kbi_msg) print("") return {}
[docs] async def ask_async( self, patch_stdout: bool = False, kbi_msg: str = DEFAULT_KBI_MESSAGE ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Ask the questions using asyncio and return user response. Args: patch_stdout: Ensure that the prompt renders correctly if other threads are printing to stdout. kbi_msg: The message to be printed on a keyboard interrupt. Returns: The answers from the form. """ try: return await self.unsafe_ask_async(patch_stdout) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("") print(kbi_msg) print("") return {}